
These are all of the functions revolving around signals that Wave supports.

Disable Connection

<void> disableconnection(<RBXScriptConnection> Connection)
  • Disables Connection.

Enable Connection

<void> enableconnection(<RBXScriptConnection> Connection)
  • Enables Connection.

Fire Signal

<void> firesignal(<RBXScriptSignal> Signal, <variant?> Args...)
  • Fires all signals connected to the signal. If given, the arguments will be used to call the function.

Get Connections

<table> getconnections(<RBXScriptSignal> Signal)
  • Returns a table with all connections to the given signal.




The function connected to the connection.


Enables the connection.


Disables the connection.


Fires the connection.

Hook Signal

<void> hooksignal(<RBXScriptSignal> Signal, <function> callback)
  • Intercepts signal invocations. When the Signal is fired, the callback is called for each Lua connection with an info table and arguments. Returning true from the callback triggers the original connection.

Note: hooksignal cannot intercept C connections or CoreScript Lua connections.

Is Connection Enabled

<bool> isconnectionenabled(<RBXScriptConnection> Connection)
  • Returns true if a connection is enabled.

Is Signal Hooked

<void> issignalhooked(<RBXScriptSignal> Signal)
  • Returns true if Signal is hooked.

Unhook Signal

<void> unhooksignal(<RBXScriptSignal> Signal)
  • Unhooks a signal hooked with hooksignal.

Last updated