🎮Console Functions

These are all of the functions revolving the console that Wave supports.

Console Print:

<void> rconsoleprint(<string> text)
  • Prints text into the console.

Console Info:

<void> rconsoleinfo(<string> text)
  • Prints text into the console, with [INFO] written before it.

Console Error:

<void> rconsoleerr(<string> text)
  • Prints text into the console, with [ERROR] written before it.

Console Clear:

<void> rconsoleclear(<void>)
  • Clears all text from the console.

Console Name:

<void> rconsolename(<string> title)
  • Sets the console's title to title.

Console Input:

<string> rconsoleinput(<void>)
  • Yields the current thread until the user inputs text and presses Enter. Returns the input they put in.

Console Close:

<void> rconsoleclose(<void>)
  • Closes the console.

<void> printconsole(<string> message, <byte> red, <byte> green, <byte> blue)
  • Prints message into the internal and integrated console with RGB value.

Console Colors:


rconsolename("console") -- Sets the name of the console to 'console'
rconsoleprint("@@YELLOW@@") -- Changes the text color to Yellow
rconsoleprint("gamer but yellow\n")
rconsoleerr("omg error!")
rconsolewarn("omg warning!")
rconsoleclear() -- Clears all text
rconsoleclose() -- Closes the console

You must use \n at the end of rconsoleprint to make a new line.

rconsoleinfo, rconsolewarn, and rconsoleerr do this automatically.

Last updated