🌎Environment Functions

These are all of the functions revolving the Roblox environment that Wave supports.

Get Global Environment:

<table> getgenv(<void>)
  • Returns the environment that will be applied to each script ran by Wave.

Get Roblox Environment:

<table> getrenv(<void>)
  • Returns the Roblox environment.

Get Registry:

<table> getreg(<void>)
  • Returns the Lua registry.

Get Garbage Collection:

<table> getgc(<bool?> IncludeTables = false)
  • Returns a table with all gc objects. Use getgc(true) to include tables.

Get Instances:

<table> getinstances(<void>)
  • Returns a table with instances.

Get Nil Instances:

<table> getnilinstances(<void>)
  • Returns a table with instances parented to nil.

Get Loaded Modules:

<table> getloadedmodules(<void>)
  • Returns a table with all loaded modules currently in game.

Get Connections:

<table> getconnections(<RBXScriptSignal> Signal)
  • Returns a table with all connections to the given signal.


Fire Signal:

<void> firesignal(<RBXScriptSignal> Signal, <variant?> Args...)
  • Fires all signals connected to the signal. If given, the arguments will be used to call the function.

Fire Click Detector:

<void> fireclickdetector(<ClickDetector> ClickDetector, <number?> Distance = 0, <string?>)
  • Fires the ClickDetector. If no distance supplied, it will default to 0.

Fire Proximity Prompt:

<void> fireproximityprompt(<ProximityPrompt> Prompt)
  • Fires the ProximityPrompt trigger.

Fire Touch Interest:

<void> firetouchinterest(<BasePart> totouch, <BasePart> Part, <uint?> toggle)
  • Touches part with totouch.


Set Scriptable:

<void> setscriptable(<Instance> Object, <string> Property, <bool> toggle)
  • Sets the property's scriptable state to toggle.

Get Hidden Property:

<variant> gethiddenproperty(<Instance> Object, <string> Property)
  • Returns the value of the property that cannot be accessed through Lua.

Set Hidden Property:

<void> sethiddenproperty(<Instance> Object, <string> Property, <variant> Value)
  • Sets the given property to new value.

Set Simulation Radius:

<void> setsimulationradius(<int> Radius)
  • Sets the LocalPlayer's simulation radius to given arg.

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