📂File System Functions

These are all of the functions revolving the file system that Wave supports.

Read File:

<string> readfile(<string> path)
  • Returns the contents of the file located at path.

Write File:

<void> writefile(<string> path, <string> content)
  • Writes content to the supplied path.

Append File:

<void> appendfile(<string> path, <string> content)

Appends content to the file contents at path.

Load File:

<function> loadfile(<string> path)
  • Loads the contents of the file located at path as a Lua function and returns it.

List Files:

<table> listfiles(<string> folder)
  • Returns a table of all files in folder.

Is File:

<bool> isfile(<string> path)
  • Returns true if path is a file.

Is Folder:

<bool> isfolder(<string> path)
  • Returns true if path is a folder.

Make Folder:

<void> makefolder(<string> path)
  • Creates a new folder at path.

Delete Folder:

<void> delfolder(<string> path)
  • Deletes the folder located at path.

Delete File:

<void> delfile(<string> path)
  • Deletes the file located at path.

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